Astrological Events In November: A Guide To The Stars

As a lover of all things astrology, I am always excited for the start of a new month and the celestial events that come with it. November is no exception, with a lineup of planetary movements and alignments that are sure to impress. In this article, we will explore the various astrological events happening this November and what they mean for us.

What is Happening in November?

November is a busy month in the astrological world, with several key events taking place. Here are some of the highlights:

  • November 4th: New Moon in Scorpio
  • November 10th: Mercury enters Scorpio
  • November 19th: Full Moon in Taurus
  • November 21st: Sun enters Sagittarius
  • November 28th: Neptune goes direct in Pisces

New Moon in Scorpio

The new moon in Scorpio on November 4th is a powerful time for manifesting your deepest desires. Scorpio is a sign associated with transformation and rebirth, so this is a great time to let go of anything holding you back and set intentions for the future.

Mercury enters Scorpio

When Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Scorpio on November 10th, we can expect to delve deeper into our thoughts and feelings. This is a time to be introspective and honest with ourselves and others.

Full Moon in Taurus

The full moon in Taurus on November 19th is all about stability and security. This is a great time to focus on your finances and make sure you are on solid ground. It is also a time to appreciate the beauty of the world around us and indulge in some self-care.

Sun enters Sagittarius

When the sun enters Sagittarius on November 21st, we can expect a burst of energy and optimism. Sagittarius is a sign associated with adventure and exploration, so this is a great time to try something new and embrace the unknown.

Neptune goes direct in Pisces

Neptune, the planet of dreams and illusions, goes direct in Pisces on November 28th. This is a time to let go of any illusions or delusions and focus on the reality of our situations. It is also a great time for spiritual growth and connecting with our intuition.


What is a new moon?

A new moon occurs when the moon is in conjunction with the sun and is not visible from Earth. It is a time for new beginnings and setting intentions.

What is a full moon?

A full moon occurs when the moon is opposite the sun and fully illuminated. It is a time for release and letting go.

What does it mean when a planet goes direct?

When a planet goes direct, it means that it is no longer in retrograde motion and is moving forward again. This can signify a time of progress and forward movement in the areas of life associated with that planet.


November is a month full of astrological events that can help us to grow and evolve. Whether we are setting intentions during the new moon or embracing new adventures during the sun’s transit through Sagittarius, there is something for everyone in the stars this month. So take some time to connect with the cosmos and see what they have in store for you.

November Birthday Horoscope Astrology (In Pictures)
November Birthday Horoscope Astrology (In Pictures) from

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